Small Space Flooring Solutions: How To Choose And Install The Right Floors For Your Tiny Home Or Apartment

Small Space Flooring Solutions: How To Choose And Install The Right Floors For Your Tiny Home Or Apartment

Small Space Flooring Solutions: How To Choose And Install The Right Floors For Your Tiny Home Or Apartment

11 April 2023
, Blog

If you live in a tiny home or other small space, you already know that every inch of your living environment matters. Choosing the right flooring is essential to create a sense of spaciousness and functionality while reflecting your personal style.

Here's what you need to know about the process of selecting and installing the perfect floors for your small living space.

Assess Your Needs and Lifestyle

Before diving into flooring options, take a moment to consider your lifestyle and needs. Do you have pets or children? Are you looking for a low-maintenance option? Answering these questions will help you determine which type of flooring will best suit your small space.

Embrace Light Colors and Patterns

Lighter shades can make a room feel larger and airier. Choose flooring materials with light colors or subtle patterns to give the illusion of a more expansive space. For example, light-toned wood, laminate, or luxury vinyl planks can create a bright and open atmosphere in your tiny home or apartment.

Opt for Wide Planks or Large Tiles

Selecting wide planks or large tiles can make your small space appear bigger by reducing the number of lines and seams in the flooring. This creates a more cohesive and streamlined look, enhancing the overall sense of spaciousness.

Consider Multi-Functional Flooring

When space is at a premium, multi-functional flooring options can be a lifesaver. For instance, choosing a flooring material with built-in insulation or soundproofing properties can help you save on additional materials and installation costs.

DIY or Professional Installation

Once you've chosen the right flooring for your small space, it's time to decide whether to tackle the installation yourself or hire a professional. If you're a confident DIYer, you can save money by installing your floors. However, if you're inexperienced or short on time, it may be wise to enlist the help of a professional to ensure a flawless finish.

Preparing Your Space for Installation

Before beginning the installation process, clear your space by removing furniture, appliances, and any existing flooring materials. This step is crucial to ensure a smooth and efficient installation process.

Proper Measurement and Cutting

Measure your space accurately and account for any irregularities or obstructions like doors or built-in features. When cutting your flooring materials, always follow the manufacturer's guidelines to prevent damage and ensure a perfect fit.

Follow the Manufacturer's Instructions

Whether you're installing hardwood, laminate, vinyl, or tile, always adhere to the manufacturer's instructions. This will help you avoid common pitfalls and achieve a professional-looking result.

Your local flooring company can provide more information. 

About Me
Finishing Flooring Projects

After we replaced the flooring on the main level of our home, I knew that we had to make a few changes to finish the project off the right way. At the time, the edges weren't finished, and the entire thing looked a little undone. I started doing what I could to identify ways that we could completely overhaul the flooring, and we were able to make some changes that really worked out for the floor. We installed a 3/4 round molding around the base edge of the floor, and it was amazing to see how much of a change it made. Find out more about flooring and finishing touches on this blog.
