What To Look For At The Tile Flooring Store

What To Look For At The Tile Flooring Store

What To Look For At The Tile Flooring Store

27 April 2023
, Blog

A tile flooring store is the best place to find a wide variety of tiles. A flooring store associate can help you plan your flooring project. This article will explain a few of the questions you may be asked when you visit a tile flooring retailer.

What Tile Material Do You Want?

Tile comes in many different materials, including ceramic, glass, stone, metal, and porcelain. Each material offers good qualities. Some materials will work better in certain places than other types. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of different tile materials will help you make an informed decision. 

Porcelain and glass are waterproof and stain-proof, whereas natural stone and ceramic are water-resistant. For scratch resistance, choose stone or porcelain. It's easy to cut and install ceramic so you can DIY a flooring project with ceramic material. Metal is also easy to install, but you'll need a professional to cut it for you. If you want something easy to clean, choose glass tile. 

A tile store associate can help further explain the strengths and weaknesses of each material so you can make an informed choice. 

Where Will the Tile Be Installed?

The location of the tile installation should also affect your choice. 

Kitchens and bathrooms are high-traffic areas where substances like water, food, mud, and grease are abundant. The material you choose should be resistant to stains and water and should be easy to clean. Ceramic, porcelain, and glass are good options to consider.

Outdoor patios are exposed to weather conditions daily. Natural stone is a popular choice for outdoor patios and decks. Make sure the tile is sealed to ensure a long lifespan.

Commercial spaces have different requirements than residential homes. Make sure the tile material you choose will hold up to construction standards. Besides base material, tiles can be given certain qualities like a glaze. However, a glazed tile can be slippery so it might not be the best choice for home spaces.

What Tile Design Do You Like?

Design is often the first thing a person thinks about when deciding on flooring. Choosing the wrong tile can throw off the theme of a room. The color and pattern should work together to ensure the space feels the way you want it to. 

A wall with a busy wallpaper or design shouldn't also have busy tiling. Instead, choose a single or double-tile design. Or another option is to use a border tile pattern. They convey sophistication. If the wall is a simple, neutral color, feel free to install a three-tile or multi-tile design. For example, in a bathroom with white tiles, a colorful backsplash can take the design up a notch. 

Deciding what flooring to choose for your home or office space can seem daunting. By keeping your personal aesthetics in mind and having a helping hand from a tile flooring relater, you can find the right fit for your floor. For more information, contact a tile flooring store near you.

About Me
Finishing Flooring Projects

After we replaced the flooring on the main level of our home, I knew that we had to make a few changes to finish the project off the right way. At the time, the edges weren't finished, and the entire thing looked a little undone. I started doing what I could to identify ways that we could completely overhaul the flooring, and we were able to make some changes that really worked out for the floor. We installed a 3/4 round molding around the base edge of the floor, and it was amazing to see how much of a change it made. Find out more about flooring and finishing touches on this blog.
